Price: $10
Price: $25
Price: $50
Price: $100 |
This Gift Certificates are purchased just like
any other item in our store.
You can pay for
them using the stores standard payment methods.(we
will not charge shipping if we e-mail it to you)
Gift Certificates will get to you by e-mail (and
you deliver) or U.S. Mail
at a cost of $2.00, You may purchase any
combination of gift certificates as one
certificate, just simply add to the customer
comment section your intentions. Gift
Certificates are registered with a number and a
name. We can keep up with any partial balances
if needed at the store.
Please call 1-251-479-8811 if you have any
questions about purchasing Gift Certificates.
NOT BE CHARGED Standard SHIPPING OR TAX! (even though it
looks so!)
Add to customer comments if
you want the Certificate Emailed or sent in envelope ($2.00